Job Summary:
Being a legal representative of a company, Company Secretary carries out and manages various regulatory functions, such as company incorporation, preparation and audit of adequate business reports; filing annual returns; dealing with amended laws regularly, etc.
Supervisory Responsibilities:
- A Company Secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that decisions of the board of directors are implemented. Follow all norms specific to a public limited company .
- He/Sheworks as an advisor by suggesting the role and power of the chairman and director of the company.
- He/she makes sure that the company is following the laws and guidelines as per the companies Act . He/she should execute audit on the same to check if it is followed.
- He/she should act as an legal advisor to the company and good command over corporate Governance.
- He/she should be a connector between investor,Board of director and other authorities
- He/She should maintain records of Investors,shares,directors and other records and all other documents required by law and statutory Registers.
- He/She should schedule Board,legal and other meetings with Share holder & Customer relations.
- Publishing of annual reports.
- Custodian of Corporate Governance.
Education and Experience:
- CS Degree from an accredited college/university.
- A minimum of 15 years of CS experience in any Public Limited Manufacturing Firm.